NB News
Though we don't necessarily celebrate Thanksgiving with "Pilgrims and Indians" scenarios, we do pause to give thanks during this harvest season. God's grace has been shown in so many ways to us this year, including the generosity of donors who helpfund projects such as our recent roofing jobs and firewood harvesting. We give thanks for the resilience and innovation of our neighbors who value their traditions. We thankfully encourage artists who creatively innovate in traditional art forms, such as pottery, and we host visitors who come to serve, share and learn.
If you or anyone you know is interested in a short or extended visit to our part of Dinétah, you are welcome to join in our daily work, prayer and fellowship in our community. We recently hosted visitors from San Jose, California, El Rito, NM and Albuquerque NM who traveled many reservation miles, partnered on our roofing project, picked pinons, did IT work, and helped harvest firewood. Homeowner Carmen and her son Isaiah prepared a Navajo taco dinner (fry bread lesson included!) with blue corn mush and Navajo tea for all the visitors. Carmen also gave us a pottery demonstration. You are always welcome! Contact Jennifer for details on how to arrange a visit.
Nithitaa' Binaanish has been busy with many spring and summer projects. We continue our construction work with interns working side by side with NB mentors. A recent college graduate partnered with NB to set up a photo shoot for the community. Our neighbors gathered for a cake decorating workshop which we sponsored. We honored the Julie's Helpers Memorial Scholarship for Navajo women winner, Erin Moore of Twin Lakes. We partnered with White Rock Presbyterian Church and House of Fellowship to paint a neighbor's home and do weeding in the yard. We attended and supported traditional seasonal activities such as clan reunions and gardening. As the seasons go round, we thank God for his faithfulness.
The March 17, 2024 Annual Meeting of Nihitaa' Binaanish, Our Father's Business drew a record number of attendees and two new officers were elected. Our year ahead will include continued family and youth activities, mentoring neighbors in job skills and promoting local entrepreneurs. We also are planning a health fair with nutrition and wellness opportunities for community members. In the meantime, we are still harvesting and delivering firewood and overseeing court-referred individuals who need to do community service. We work side by side with our interns and neighbors as we laugh, learn and pray together. We thank God for guiding us these past nine years and look forward to serving our community following the Light of Christ.
The Board of Directors of Nihitaa' Binaanish have called for the Annual Meeting to be held on Sunday March 17 at 1 pm at House of Fellowship Church. All welcome! Come and hear of our journey in 2023 and help make plans for 2024.
As we journey through our 8th year as a non-profit serving the Navajo Nation in self-help and neighbor-help, we pause to give thanks to God for our many blessings. We have wonderful donors who have faith in our work and support us through the seasons. We have dedicated volunteers who serve with joy and compassion as they visit, support, and teach neighbors, family and new friends. We are thankful for the mentors and interns who learn from and and teach each other as we do home repair and maintenance, deliver firewood, host family activities and pray with neighbors. Thank you, ahéhee' to all this season. God's work continues in this cold season in Dinétah
We've been busy this summer with hosting family activities and revivals, building projects, scholarship promotion and now a back to school campaign. We are seeking donations during the month of August for back-to-school supplies for area youth.
We've been busy this winter with vehicle repair, road maintenance and firewood delivery. We will review and assess our winter operations as well as consider plans for a Diné centered financial management class. We will also hold election of officers. Meeting is at 1 pm at House of Fellowship Church on Skeets Road off of Highway 602 south of Gallup. All welcome! Notice of Annual Meeting Nihitaa’ Binaanish Our Father’s Business A registered 501(c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to serving the Navajo Nation by improving the lives of low-income Diné people through mentoring and support with home building, home repairs, construction-skills training, life-skills coaching, educational opportunities and spiritual growth. The Quarterly Meeting of Nihitaa’ Binaanish will be held at House of Fellowship, 41 Skeets Road, Bread Springs NM Sunday, March 12, 2023 1:00 pm Social distancing, masks and hand hygiene suggested during meeting Agenda items to include: 1. Reports:
The current President, Fred Thomas will serve his three year term through November, 2023 The following offices need to be filled:
● Winter projects (firewood ministry, road maintenance, vehicle maintenance, HOF worship and activities: Fred and Lorraine ● Navajo Nation Inauguration: Fred and Lorraine ● Julie’s Helpers Memorial Scholarship: Jennifer ● Update on Quickbooks: Lorraine 4. New Business: ● Financial Management Program in collaboration with Sandia Presbyterian Church ● recommended purchases and expenditures for 2023 Recommended budget priorities:
● Fall mission trip by WRPC: Jennifer The Board of Directors of Nihitaa' Binaanish met on December 11 for their annual meeting. Members reviewed and approved the minutes from the 2/28/21 Annual Meeting, reviewed and approved the treasurer's report and postponed election of officers until March 12, 2023, when the office of vice president, secretary and treasurer will need to be filled. In addition we have one member-at-large position open. The board heard reports on 2022's construction projects, home maintenance projects, collaborations with churches and other non-profits, the Big Tent events and plans, the firewood ministry, the flatbed trailer purchase and use, the backpacks for children promotion, NB's participation in the Navajo Nation Parade and hosting visitors who came to see our work. New business included 2023 possible construction projects, collaborations and purchases, including a new computer and QuickBooks for the officers to use. In addition, joyful recognition was given regarding the Ken Holmes memorial log splitter fund, which raised over $10,000 in memory of long-time supporter Ken Holmes, who passed away in October, 2022. The new splitter has arrived, has been assembled by volunteers and is ready for service to the community. Interns will be trained and offered stipends to use the splitter and deliver firewood to neighbors in need. Plans for Christmas gifts to elders and children in the community were discussed as well as funding allocations for 2023. We give thanks to God for his faithfulness in sustaining Our Father' Business, Nihitaa' Binaanish for its 8th year. See the minutes of the meeting below
_12.11.22_nb_minutes_annual_meeting__1_.pdf Thanks to donations given to honor the life of one of NB's founders, Ken Holmes, we are able to give the gift of warmth to our neighbors this winter. Thank You to all the many, many caring folks who have contributed to our wood splitter fund in memory of Ken Holmes. You gave enough for us to buy a brand new splitter and also to pay interns to harvest, haul, split and deliver firewood to our neighbors who need it. Many will stay warm this winter due to your generosity. Ahéé héé. God is Good.
Nihitaa' Binaanish needs a new log splitter. After 15 seasons of providing cut wood for our neighbors, our current splitter is running out of steam. It's been repaired so many times. To honor the life of Ken Holmes, who loved running the splitter in all seasons, we are raising funds to buy a new one. You can go to our website https://www.binaanish.org/about-us.html to donate or send a check to Nihitaa' Binaanish, P.O. Box 846, Gallup, NM 87305. Contact Jennifer Holmes for more information. Thank you and God bless the life and legacy of Ken Holmes, Man of God.
AuthorJennifer Holmes, Archives
April 2024
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